Blogging is like sex
Rien à dire, ce billet là vaut de l’or, je ne peux m’empecher d’en reproduire certains extraits ici (via Ouriel):
- If you hire a professional, you expose yourself to a questionable past.
- The youth worry about appearances over function.
- Exhaustion may be the only thing that stops you.
- If you stop, you will miss it eventually.
- You can do it alone, but it is a lot more productive to do with others. However, if you do it with too many people at once, it just gets all weird and awkward.
- One mistake can follow you for life.
- Most people think they could do it professionally. Most are wrong.
- Although you must use your hands, the mind is the more important part.
- Some wives wish their husbands would just stop — forever.
- When you are drunk, it always seems like a good idea. However, the risk of regretting it the next morning is very high.
- Expensive toys are fun to use but not required.
- Going at it alone can be fun for a while. Eventually, however, everybody wants feedback from others.
- Although everybody thinks it is a good idea, recording video is often not worth the trouble. (cough – Scoble? – cough)
- When you first start, you think about doing it all the time. As time passes, frequency decreases.
- Beginners are very excited but often clumsy.
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Hervé Kabla, ancien patron d’agence de comm’, consultant très digital et cofondateur de la série des livres expliqués à mon boss.
Crédits photo : Yann Gourvennec