Angel investing: where to start?
Est-il plus facile de créer sa start-up à Londres qu’à Paris? Vaut-il mieux réaliser son premier tour de table auprès de proches ou d’investisseurs plus classiques? Comment se développer? Comment financer sa croissance?
Voici quelques unes des questions auxquelles un panel d’intervenant tâchera de répondre le 14 janvier prochain (à partir de 19h30) à Londres. Si vous êtes sur Londres ou ses environs la semaine du 13 janvier, réservez donc votre soirée du 14 janvier pour cette conférence durant laquelle j’aurai l’honneur d’intervenir, et dédiée à l’écosystème financier et économique autour de la création d’entreprises, l’innovation et le digital. Une conférence organisée par les réseaux d’anciens X-UK, Centrale-UK et HEC au féminin-UK.
Réservation préalable obligatoire (PAF: 35£)
Dear alumni, dear friends,
Digital Innovation is largely part of our daily lives – from smartphones to connected cars or even pacemakers, and billboard advertising. Start ups are burgeoning everyday, competing with creativity and disruptive thinking to be the next big thing.
London has become a major innovation hub in Europe, attracting among the most promising entrepreneurs, VCs and accelerators.
Giving this ever-changing digital ecosystem, our 3 alumni groups UK have decided to launch a new series dedicated to Digital and Innovation.
Our aim is to give you a unique opportunity to learn more about everything digital, in a pragmatic way.
Register now to our first edition on Tuesday 14th January, 2014
“Angel Investing. Where to start?”
Sponsored by Level 39
Our panel gathers among the most talented individuals, with a sharp and in-depth knowledge of everything digital. Our keynotes have gained their expertise being entrepreneurs, VCs, financial experts, therefore they will be able to stalk about their experience from multiple angles.
It will be done through concrete examples, going through what worked, what didn’t and how they addressed the issues efficiently.
Please find their detailed biographies below.
The discussion with the panel will be followed by a Q&A session and drinks/a cocktail.
Date: Tuesday 14th January, 2014
Time: 07:30 for a 08:00 pm start, closes at 10:00pm
Venue: Level 39
Level 39 is Europe’s largest accelerator space for finance, retail and future cities technology companies. It was opened in March 2013 and has quickly become an important part of London’s Tech City.
The EventBrite registration is mandatory. Places are exclusively reserved to our alumni, on a first come, first served basis, registration fees are £35/person.
No cancellation or exchange possible.
Looking forward to welcoming you!
HEC au Féminin UK, Polytechnique UK and Centrale UK Teams
(Emmanuelle, Karine, Georgiana, Flavien and Brice)
Our keynotes
Michaël Jackson – HEC Michael is a two time exited entrepreneur who has spent the past several years in venture capital, including Advent Ventures in London and was named by the Telegraph as the third most influential tech investor in Europe. He sits on the boards of several startup accelerators and venture capital funds in Europe as well as emerging markets, and in the past three years has made over 30 angel investments across four continents. He is a graduate of both NYU and HEC Paris.
Nathalie Romang – HEC Nathalie is one of the founders of Neovara, an independent investment platform that was created around four years ago to take over the European mezzanine investment activities of Lehman Brothers. For over ten years, Nathalie has financed numerous private equity backed, management led buyouts in a variety of sectors throughout Western Europe. Nathalie started her banking career within the structured finance and leveraged finance activities of Goldman Sachs in London.
Dominique Valentiny – Polytechnique Dominique is CEO of Skysites Americas a start up which through a unique model of partnership with large property owners manage a portfolio of urban sites for mobile operators network expansion in Brazil. She is also active as a Business Angel in France and the UK. Dominique graduated from Ecole Polytechnique and Telecom ParisTech and holds an MBA from MIT Sloan School.
Hervé Kabla – Polytechnique Hervé Kabla is the General Manager of Be Angels (, a social media agency based in Paris, that helps various companies (Yoplait, Orange, Krys, Française des Jeux, MMA, etc.) to define their strategy and implement it on the most common social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, blogs, forums, etc.). Previously, Hervé worked with Dassault Systèmes, where he managed R&D teams and implemented one of the first internal blogging platform. Hervé ranks among the 500 top french bloggers ( He is also the author of 3 books about social media and digital communication (
Emmanuel Marchal – Centrale-UK Emmanuel is the founder of the BigDataLondon meetup, a community of 2500 big data business executives, entrepreneurs and developers based in UK. Emmanuel also works at Acunu, a big data company, where, as part of the company management team, he lead Sales and Marketing and now has international responsibilities for pre-sales, delivery and support. With over 15 years of experience in hi-tech Product Management, global Services Organisations and Sales, he has previously held senior and executive management roles at technology startups (LikeCube now TimeOut, Tideway now BMC) and global services companies (Atos, Schlumberger). Emmanuel holds a M.Sc. in Advanced Systems (Robotics) from the Ecole Centrale Paris, France.
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Hervé Kabla, ancien patron d’agence de comm’, consultant très digital et cofondateur de la série des livres expliqués à mon boss.
Crédits photo : Yann Gourvennec
Bravo, talented individual.
Mais le panel n’est-il pas un peu biaisé ?
N’aurait-il pas été judicieux d’inviter des gens n’ayant pas une aussi forte culture française ?
Par exemple j’ai remarqué que les étrangers voyaient souvent des qualités à la France et des défauts à leur pays que nous ne percevions pas. (Par exemple, en France, il est difficile de monter une entreprise, mais une fois qu’elle existe elle profiterait d’une forme de protection, ce qui n’est pas le cas pour les pays où les freins à l’entrée sont plus faibles ; de même notre système de chômage extrêmement généreux, en particulier pour des cadres de haut niveau, serait une forme originale de « seed capital »…)
Pas si biaisé que cela, en fait. Je dois être le seul des intervenants à défendre les qualités de la création d’entreprise en France…
Et puis, il y a Michael Jackson…